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Urinary Stones Came Out from Body

Story of Connie

"My husband has been taking 2 TeloYouth capsules for about a month. Since he had surgery for urolithiasis fourteen years ago, he always felt uncomfortable around the kidney. However, my husband did not care about TeloYouth or fully believe the efficacy of the product at the beginning so he did not take more than 2 capsules/day. After taking TeloYouth for a month, he was shocked and eager to show me the stone that came out while urinating. He asked me, "Is one of the effects of TeloYouth is to push out rocks from the body?"He was so happy because he always had the burden of doing international trips to treat urolithiasis. A few days later, he told me another smaller rock came out. My husband now says "two thumbs up for TeloYouth, this product is amazing!"


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